First Visit


6440 N. Central Ave, Chicago IL 60646

Street parking is available on Central Ave and Tahoma Ave.

Telehealth services also provided

Prior to session:

Appointments need to be scheduled and confirmed in advance. Prior to the appointment, you will be provided with intake paperwork and the paperwork will need to be completed prior to the appointment time. If you have a child (ages 12-17), please ensure that both the child and both parents sign the paperwork.

If you have a telehealth session, your clinician will send you a link to your preferred email prior to your appointment and will be utilizing Google Meet for the session.

Your initial appointment will be 60 minutes, which will allow time for your clinician to review your intake paperwork with you as well as gain more information about what led you to come in for services. 

Please be aware that you will be charged for services at the conclusion of your session.

For more on what to expect in a first session please look at our FAQ section.

“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

— Dolly Parton