
Communication can be a major struggle for most families. Each person in the family has their own unique way that they tend to receive and express their needs, wants, feelings and emotions. Each adult is also bringing in their own history and dynamic from their childhood. When one person is struggling in a family—whether it be a child, teen, or a parent—communication is key as well as an understanding of how to best be supportive during the struggle. Family Therapy can be helpful for those who are struggling with parenting issues, a child with mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or a mood disorder. Family Therapy can also be helpful when a parent or another person in the family has struggled with a substance abuse issue or a significant loss.

Brave Talk Therapy provides family therapy where each family member can be heard and feel valued. Your family counselor will be your support and advocate throughout the therapeutic process.

  • Communication issues

  • Loss

  • Trauma

  • Parenting issues

  • Adjustments

  • Substance abuse

  • Gaining education and support on mental health issues

  • Behavioral issues impacting the home

A dysfunctional family is any family with more than one person in it.”

— Mary Karr